CFA Level 2 Formula Sheet: Your Comprehensive Guide


The CFA Level 2 exam is a crucial step for anyone aspiring to become a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). This exam tests your ability to apply the knowledge gained in Level 1 to real-world scenarios. One invaluable tool you can use to navigate through the intricate web of concepts and calculations is the CFA Level 2 formula sheet. In this guide, we’ll explore how to effectively use and master this formula sheet to enhance your chances of success on exam day.

Understanding the Formula Sheet’s Significance

The formula sheet provided by the CFA Institute isn’t just a random collection of equations. It’s a condensed version of the essential formulas, relationships, and concepts that you need to understand and apply during the exam. This resource helps you save time by eliminating the need to memorize every formula while ensuring you have quick access to critical information.

Deconstructing the Structure

The formula sheet is usually organized by topic, making it easier to locate the formulas relevant to the section you’re working on. Understanding this organization can be immensely helpful during your study and exam preparation.

  • Topic Headings: Each major section of the CFA Level 2 curriculum is represented on the formula sheet with clear headings. For example, topics could include Equity Investments, Fixed Income, Derivatives, and more.
  • Subheadings and Formulas: Within each topic, there might be subheadings that group related formulas together. For instance, under the Equity Investments section, you might find subheadings like “Valuation Ratios,” “Dividend Discount Models,” and “Economic Profit.”

Optimizing Your Study Strategy

Now that you have a formula sheet in hand, how do you effectively incorporate it into your study routine?

  • Comprehension Before Memorization: Before you focus on memorization, make sure you understand the underlying concepts. The formula sheet is a reference tool, not a replacement for a deep understanding of the material.
  • Interactive Learning: As you study each topic, use the formula sheet to solve practice questions. This will help reinforce your understanding of when and how to apply each formula.
  • Annotate and Summarize: It’s helpful to personalize your formula sheet by adding notes, mnemonics, or explanations that make sense to you. This turns the formula sheet into a dynamic study aid tailored to your learning style.

Last-Minute Preparations

As the exam date approaches, your familiarity with the formula sheet becomes even more important:

  • Consistent Review: Regularly revisit the formula sheet to reinforce your memory. Quiz yourself on the formulas and their applications to keep them fresh in your mind.
  • Prioritize Formulas: Some formulas might be more central to certain topics than others. Prioritize your study time by focusing on the formulas that carry more weight in the exam.
  • Practice Mock Exams: Incorporate the formula sheet into your mock exam practice. Simulate exam conditions by using the formula sheet as you would during the actual exam.

Exam-Day Strategy

On the day of the exam, the formula sheet serves as a valuable tool to boost your performance:

  • Navigational Aid: The formula sheet can help you quickly find the right formula for a given question, saving you precious time during the exam.
  • Reference Point: Even if you have a formula memorized, referring to the formula sheet can help alleviate test anxiety and ensure accuracy.
  • Stay Calm: Knowing that you have the formula sheet as a backup can boost your confidence and keep you calm under pressure.


Mastering the CFA Level 2 formula sheet is a strategic approach that can significantly enhance your chances of success on exam day. This tool isn’t just about memorizing formulas; it’s about understanding concepts and efficiently applying formulas to complex scenarios. By incorporating the formula sheet into your study routine, optimizing its use, and leveraging it during the exam, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the Level 2 exam with confidence and competence.

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